Why Kumar Classes ?

Daily Practice Problem Sheet (DPPS)
Sheets are given to the students containing 10-15 problems (Sub/Ob.) covering the topics taught in class. This helps the students to apply their learning in class to solve questions and develop analytical skills. DPPS helps the students to bring out their doubts and concept.

Exercise Sheets
These sheets have number of exercises both Subjective & Objective related to the chapter. Covering a wide range of problems oriented towards various competitive examination. These makes the students to apply their knowledge what they have learnt.

Question Banks
These sets of question are given to the students. Courses are assessed through mock tests to develop the right examination temperament for various competitive examination. Feedback through these questions helps the student to be more efficient and result oriented.

Regular Test
Regular test are held and the test papers are discussed in the next class. The syllabus consists of al chapters covered till date. The ranks are awarded on the basis of cumulative performance of students.

Doubt Classes
These classes are organized by the faculty members every day. Few hours are devoted so as to clear the doubts of students on various topics. The students can also talk to the faculty or extra timings to meet their specific needs.

Study material introduces basic fundamental and concepts in a very simple and understanding manner. In other words they are the right weapon to fight the battle